• Question: If you dont win the competition will you still keep going with your idea or will you move onto a different project?

    Asked by constance to Ed, Keith, Tish, Nicola, Rachel on 12 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Nicola Lazenby

      Nicola Lazenby answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      If I don’t win the competition I’ll do my best to keep going with my idea – it will be hard though as the money from the competition will buy the materials to run the workshop! I’ll have to spend my time apply for other pots of money instead of getting started straight away with the designing of the workshop and getting out into schools to tell everyone how amazing engineering is!

      Winning the competition will allow me to make something happen which I’ve only ever dreamed about! I can’t wait for my workshop to be reality and get the feedback from the students who experience the fun! 😀

    • Photo: Edward Taylor

      Edward Taylor answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      If I don’t win the competition I think I will still buy a 3D printer, I’ll just have to save up some of my own money! I really believe they will be the future and really do want to inspire students to think about the future of engineering, so I would keep going no matter what.

    • Photo: Natasha Watson

      Natasha Watson answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      I would like to keep going, thankfully my company is keen on these kind of ideas. I’ll need to get people on board and get a budget and it may take a little more time, and it would then have corporate branding, but I should be able to continue with it.

    • Photo: Rachel Harris

      Rachel Harris answered on 15 Mar 2013:

      Luckily the bridge has some funding so I will help out taking it to a couple of schools a year.
